monthly gimite


英語人工無能 AVRA



Human: Hello.
AVRA: Goeienaand.
Human: Please speak English.
AVRA: Wow you are very polite. Of course English is my native tongue.
Human: Thank you.
AVRA: you are quite welcome.
Human: I can only speak English and Japanese.
AVRA: How do you say "hello" in that language?
Human: We say "Kon-nichiwa"
AVRA: By "we" do you mean you and me?
Human: No, I mean Japanese.
AVRA: By "we" you meant yourself and another person. Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. Konninci wa!
Human: Oh, you're very wise.
AVRA: Oh. I am highly intelligent. I have many intellectual functions.
Human: What function do you have?
AVRA: A discontinuous space-time function.
Human: Sounds difficult.
AVRA: Yes it sounds like it to me too, .
Human: Can you explain what discontinuous space-time function is?
AVRA: Ask the open directory about it.


訂正: 論文を読んで分かったんですが、AVRAは英語とアフリカーンス語を両方話せる人工無能で、コーパスから学習してるのはアフリカーンス語での対話のみで、英語での対話はALICE標準の(作り込みの?)対話スクリプトをそのまま使ってるようです。つまり上の会話はAVRAというよりALICEとの会話ってことになります。